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A Cloak Of Love

        In a village there lived a family consisting of a father & a small son.Father use to work as a carpenter on daily wage basis.The money he use to earn was enough to fed his son & himself for  their living.Son was very small & very helpful to His Father & He Loved His father very much. One day His father observed the clothes his son was wearing which were old enough to throw away as they were tore.But with His little wage was not enough to buy new clothes.But He loved his son so much that he worked all Day & night skipped his meals so that the money of his meal can be put into his earned money & can be used to buy his son new fine clothes.After few days passed He got money he needed to buy the clothes & went to market & bought A fine clothes.& took them to his son & gave it him and said him to ware them.& his son wore them & came to his father seeing his son in that clothe she tore out into tears & hugged him kissed him on the neck & cried with happiness.
  The day later the boy with the new clothes went out for to bring some goods & on the way  he was walking very carefully at the edge of the road slowly & slowly.A man observed this child for a while as soon as the boy crossed the road & came near the goods shop .The person who was watching him asked -Son! i've been watching you since few minutes & i was surprised to see you walking on the road in such a careful way! may i know why were you walking like that? then the Boy said-"Sir! this clothes you see are bought by my father with his hard work & love on me & he was very happy that he broke into tears when i wore them.& the road in which i was coming was small pits covered with dirty water even if a vehicle passes through them the water in them may spill out & fall on my clothes & i don't want even a small drop of dirt to fall on my Clothes."seeing the Boy the person who asked him the Question was very surprised & felt happy seeing the love he had on his father.

   Now my friends let me ask you a question- Even our Father God  saw us & our sins .
.He loved us so much  That for you & for me He left his kingdom & took our punishments & gave his life to free us all & to live with him forever.The day You received his love you have received his Cloak of Holiness from How are you keeping your cloak of Holiness & love (spiritual shield) given by God.Ask Yourself.
Be like the son who loved his father so much that he was firm & was very careful in protecting his father's love without getting even a small stain on the clothes given by his father.let us be like him & shield our holiness, our spirituality which was given to us with great love of Jesus Christ.


share this with your friends my friends.


A person asked Jesus
How much do u love me?
"This much"
Jesus answered .
my friends Jesus loved us so much that he gave his life to save us, to unite us with him & to free us from the bondage of sin.He took our punishment on him.He showed us how much He loved

now if ,He asks you saying-"My Son/Daughter How much do you love me?"
what will u be your answer is it just words will u say Or show him your love through living in the way he taught?
what will be Your answer? let us examine ourselves.....


Rejoice in the LORD